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Age To Start
Your Breast Self-checks 

To screen or not to screen for breast cancer? At what age? Sometimes the information we get from the national cancer advisory organizations can confuse us about what to do and when to do it because there are so many factors to consider. Review the breast cancer age guidelines below. Make an appointment with your health professional for a well-woman’s health check if you fall within the age ranges mentioned, or if you experience any early signs or symptoms of breast cancer. 


Beginning at age 20,

Get a doctor check every three years. The chance of breast cancer occurring in your 20s is very low, but it can happen. If you have a family history of breast cancer, talk to your health professional about starting mammograms earlier than the general recommendations below.

Do a breast early detection self-check every month. Regular monthly self-checks help you become more familiar with how your breasts feel when they are normal, allowing you to notice any changes that may take place and be of concern. Report any changes in either breast to your health professional right away.

Set a aside a few minutes each month to check your breasts about a week after your period ends. If you no longer get your period, set the same day aside each month to check.


Beginning at age 40, 

Make an appointment for a mammogram and doc-check every year. Continue doing your monthly breast self-check at the same time you do your skin self-check

Resources: CDC and culled from other health organizations

Learn How To Perform A Cancer Self-Check