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Practicing Healthy Habits
to Help Prevent 
Cancer & Other Diseases

The Self chec website will help you overcome the inertia you may have about learning about and practicing healthy habits. If something has been preventing you from making that yearly health exam appointment, doing a self-check, stopping smokingeating healthier or losing some weight, to name a few goals you may have on your “wish list” from last year and your health professional advised you to do, then Self chec will help.

We know the people who care about you want you to keep healthy. That’s a given. Don’t you think you owe it to them (no guilt intended) and yourself to be more proactive?  Otherwise, what’s the alternative?

To start to take better care of yourself, check-out the menu on the left and take the first step. We’re here for you…

Your Body, Your Car!

Practicing healthy habits is similar to wearing your seatbelt every time you get into an automobile. It has been proven that wearing seatbelts protects you, as well as others from serious injury. In the same manner, you get regular oil changes and other maintenance work done on your vehicle to prevent break-downs; the same is true for your body.

Checking and evaluating your body will prevent sudden break-downs and failures. For instance, you would want to know that your vehicle needs new brakes prior to finding out when they may unexpectedly stop working while driving on the highway. It’s the same for your body! Don’t you think it’s time to learn how to do that self-check and call your physician for a doc-check?


Go To: The Health Tools Page