The French Paradox:Is Red Wine Actually Good For Your Heart?

In 1991 the television program 60 Minutes speculated that French people’s consumption of red wine may be responsible for their low incidence of cardiac disease. Americans jumped on the bandwagon; red wine consumption in the United States rapidly increased 44%. The following is condensed from Harvard Heart Letter by Julie Corliss The evidence that drinking red […]
Read moreThe Difference BetweenExcessive And Moderate Drinking

If you’ve ever asked yourself “am I drinking too much.” This slideshow will help with the answer. Click Image
Talking About Alcoholism

Condensed from: https: Don’t be critical. Think about how you would want to be approached if someone were to tell you that you had a problem with alcohol. Show concern rather than disapproval and tell them that you’re worried about their well-being. Using phrases such as: “I wonder if you drink less your health/well-being […]
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