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Testicular Cancer
Prevention And Early Detection

Frequently Asked Questions


people protesting testicular cancer   
Why Is Testicular Cancer*
Early Detection So Important?

Talking about your testicles and getting them
checked out is important because testicular cancer is highly
curable when caught early and can kill you if left
untreated. We don’t want you dying of embarrassment.
The Frequently Asked Questions below will help
answer any questions you may have about
testicular cancer prevention and early detection

Do I Have Any Risk Factors 
For Testicular Cancer? 

There are some things that may increase your risk of testicular cancer.
Check our “heads-up” list so you can see what they are…

What Age Should I Start 
My Testicular Self-checks?

You’d be surprised how young a diagnosis of testicular cancer can be…

How Do I Do My Testicular Self-check?

Watch someone like you do his testicular self-check and learn how.

What Do I Look For 
When Checking My Testicles?

Lumps, bumps the size of chestnuts or golf balls?
It’s time to find out which ones should be checked out.

How Can I Reduce My Chances 
Of Getting Testicular Cancer? 

This page will help empower you to take
the proactive steps to keep you and your testicles healthy.


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*Testicular cancer, (as opposed to penis cancer which is a cancer that usually occurs in older men and can be anywhere on or in the penis), occurs in the testicles (or testes).

 Learn About Cancer Self-Checks & Exams