ATTENTION: The government has disabled many
of the websites Self chec uses to cull its expert information.
Know that the information taken from their sites is
still valid and will help you keep healthy.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why Should I Drink Less?
Often we associate the dangers of drinking too much
with drunk driving, but drinking can threaten our health, both
physically and mentally. Click the questions below for more answers.
(Much of the information on these pages was culled from the
National Institutes on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA).
In 2025 this site was taken down, but the information from
it is still valid).
What Kind of Drinker Am I?
Find out if you are a Stress-head, Dinner Time Guzzler,
Sports Fan or The ‘Relax, It’s the Weekend!’ Drinker.
Am I An Alcoholic?
Take the NCADD Alcoholic Self-test.
What Are The Gender
Differences For Alcoholism?
Learn why drinking problems
develop faster in women than in men.
How Does Alcohol Affect My Health?
Even a small amount of alcohol can do lasting damage to your body
and your mind. Drinkers are more likely than nondrinkers to
have over 200 kinds of diseases and injuries.
Read more…
How Does Drinking To Excess
Increase My Cancer Risk?
For some people alcohol acts as a carcinogen.
Here are a few cancers we put ourselves at risk for…
How Can I Cut Down On Alcohol
Here are 11 steps…
Is Wine Less Harmful Than Beer?
The newest findings say the amount
is more harmful than the type of alcohol you drink.
What Are At-Risk Drinking Levels?
Are you putting yourself at risk if you’re “holding your liquor”?
What Is The Amount Of Alcohol
In “One Drink”?
Use the calculator on this page to determine
how much alcohol is in the next drink you have.
How Can I Find The Alcohol Content
Of A Canned Or Bottled Beverage?
For all the details on the alcohol content of wine,
malt beverage and distilled spirits click the link on this page.
Do Standard Drinks
Differ From Bottle To Can?
Find out by reading the chart on this page.
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