9 Facts About Condoms

Leslie Kantor, MPH, the national director of education initiatives at Planned Parenthood Federation of America, published this list: When it comes to HIV, using a condom makes sex 10,000 times safer than not using a condom. There is no medical reason why someone can’t use a Condom. Condoms have been around a long, long time. The earliest known illustration […]
Read moreCan Breast Cancer Be Diagnosed At Younger Ages?

Yes. If you have a family history of breast cancer or are not sure, it might be a good idea to have a discussion with your health professional as soon as possible. Watch this video.
Reasons Why You Quit Smoking

Condensed from an article on CNN by Meera Senthilingam “Everyday makes me feel under its control & that’s really bad.” “My girlfriend told me she couldn’t kiss me anymore.” “I decided to take control back.” “I had enough of smelling like a fireplace and coughing.” ‘Because I can’t afford chronic poisoning.” “I had a choice: smoke […]
Read moreDriving May Be Hazardous To Your Left Arm

Condensed from an article by Meredith Melnick in Time magazine In America, more skin cancers show up on the upper left side of people’s arms than the right side. And It doesn’t matter what color you are. Why? Our left arms are more exposed to sunlight when we are driving. In countries where people drive […]
Read moreAre You Suffering From Portion Distortion?

Condensed from an article by Zahra Barnes for Life by DailyBurn If So, Here Are A Few Helpful Tips: Ignore the size of your plate You’ve heard it before: Small plates equal smaller meals, but if you’re not ready to give up the larger plate, half of your plate should have veggies and divide what’s left […]
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