Warning: A Child’s Headache Could Be A Stroke

Condensed from the American Heart Association News Children are far more likely than adults to get headaches when having a stroke, a new study suggests. “Stroke should be considered as a possible diagnosis in any child with a headache and additional symptoms of weakness or numbness (in the face, arm or leg) or changes in […]
Read moreThis Vaccine Prevents Cancer

Condensed from the CDC website Protecting your preteen children from most of the cancers caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the thing to do. HPV is a very common virus that spreads between people when they have sexual contact with another person. About 14 million people, including teens, become infected with HPV each year. HPV […]
Read moreMyths & Facts About Ovarian Cancer

MYTH: There are no early symptoms. FACT: Many women with ovarian cancer do have early warning signs. However, common symptoms — abdominal pressure, fullness, swelling or bloating, urinary urgency and pelvic discomfort or pain — often mimic those of many other conditions. With ovarian cancer, symptoms are likely to occur daily for weeks or months […]
Read more3 Reasons Eating Fiber May Help You Live Longer

People who eat a high fiber diet are less likely to die of any cause, a study of nearly one million people has found. The benefits of consuming fiber-rich foods have been known for decades, including lowering of blood cholesterol, blood pressure, blood glucose and insulin, and possibly reducing inflammation. High-fiber foods may also […]
Read moreOld-fashioned Treadmill

From Mental Floss Exercising on a treadmill can often feel like torture and that’s not a coincidence. In 1818, an English civil engineer named Sir William Cubitt devised a machine called the “tread-wheel” to reform stubborn and idle convicts. Prisoners would step on the 24 spokes of a large paddle wheel, climbing it like a […]
Read moreOral Sex Caused My Cancer

Michael Douglas An article written by Deborah Kotze for the Boston Globe on June 10th 2013 and condensed here, revealed that the HPV infection of throat cancer inflicted upon the actor Michael Douglas was a result of oral sex. About 14,000 throat cancers are diagnosed every year in the US, and about 70 percent […]
Read moreLadies, Don’t Ignore These “O” Symptoms

Ovarian cancer often has no symptoms in the early stages. Later stages are associated with symptoms like the ones noted above, but they can be non-specific, such as loss of appetite and weight loss. Err on the side of caution, if your body doesn’t feel right, check with your healthcare professional asap. Back to […]
Read moreIs There An Obesity/Exercise Gene?

A study led by scientists at University College London, the Medical Research Council (MRC) and King’s College London Institute of Psychiatry found that people with an obesity-risk variant have higher levels of the ‘hunger hormone’, ghrelin, in their blood. This means they start to feel hungry again soon after eating a meal. “At a therapeutic level […]
Read moreWhy U.S. Kids Are Getting Diabetes

The childhood obesity rate has more than tripled over the past four decades. News in Health from NIH tells us that the rates for new cases of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes in children and teens are rising. For type 1 diabetes, the rate rose more in males. For type 2 diabetes, […]
Read moreDid You Know That Calories Differ?

Image: Self chec Creative If you think you’re increasing your knowledge of calorie counting, but your body seems to […]
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