Resources To Help You
Quit Smoking
Telephone, App And Text Messaging
For More Good Support
Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW for free information to stop smoking or quit other forms of tobacco use. Counselors offer personalized advice and support while you’re prepping to quit, as well as while you’re quitting. Calling this toll-free number will connect you directly to trained coaches at your state’s quit line and to cessation services and other resources offered in your area. Help is available in English or Spanish, Monday through Friday, 8 am to 8 pm, Eastern Time at 1-877-44U-QUIT (1-877-448-7848).
Offer tips and tricks that can help you any time you need a boost. Here are free ones to download and test out before your quit day:
NCI QuitPal incorporates the latest evidence-based smoking cessation methods and behavior changes. It supports you as you work to become tobacco-free. With this interactive app, you can set a quit date, financial goals and reminders; track daily smoking habits with a calendar; see all the money you’re saving from all the packs you’re not smoking; get health milestones notices and cravings tips to stay motivated; connect with social networks; create a video diary and watch personalized video messages from loved ones; and access NCI’s Cancer Information Service by toll-free phone line or live chat. For more, go to
The QuitGuide provides support for you in the days and weeks after you quit. Search for content using keywords, save specific pages as favorites and share information via Facebook, Twitter and email. Staying connected to a larger online community through QuitGuide can help get you through the hard times. For more, go to
QuitSTART was created by Smokefree Teen, part of the Tobacco Control Research Branch at the National Cancer Institute in collaboration with tobacco control professionals and smoking cessation experts and with input from ex-smokers. It was developed with teens in mind, but anyone can use it. Track cravings and moods, monitor your progress in reaching milestones, identify triggers and upload personalized “pick me ups” and reminders to use when cravings strike. For more, go to, @SmokefreeTeen and Smokefree Teen Facebook or
SmokefreeTXTis a mobile text messaging service that provides 24/7 encouragement, advice and tips to help you permanently quit smoking. To sign up, complete a simple form and click “Subscribe” at
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