Early Detection Self-checks
And Doc-checks Save
Lives, Just Like Seatbelts
Practicing early detection* self-checks and prevention (healthy habits) has the same impact as putting on a seat belt when you first get into a car. Statistics show that seat belt use not only helps protect you from serious injuries, but can often save your life and of course, others as well.
Utilizing the Self chec website is like the same thing. It’s so important that the little voices in the back seat won’t let you forget to do it. Self chec just wants to be that “little voice in the back seat” that keeps reminding you how important it is.
Remember early detection self-checks — you’re finding something and having it treated before it becomes life-threatening — and doc-checks — taking yourself to your health professional for a check-up — is the best gift you can give to yourself, those you care about, and that special someone(s) who care(s) about you.
Some Dispute About Early Detection
*While it is possible that not all early detection of cancers will guarantee a longer life, it can usually extend your lifetime from diagnosis, if caught soon enough, and properly treated.
Learn More About Detecting Cancers & Disease
Cancer Detection & Self-Checks
Heart Disease Detection & Self-Checks
Diabetes Detection & Self-Checks
Obesity Detection & Self-Checks
Learn about healthy habits that can help prevent cancer and disease