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Pancreatic Cancer
Prevention And Early Detection

Frequently Asked Questions


Pancreatic Cancer survivors

Can Pancreatic Cancer Be Detected Early?

Catching any disease early allows for more
successful treatment options. We’ll share what we’ve
researched and learned to date about some new
findings concerning pancreatic cancer early detection. 

What Is My Risk
Of Getting Pancreatic Cancer?

A combination of smoking,
long-standing diabetes and a poor diet increases 
the risk of pancreatic cancer. Read what the other risk factors
may be. Familiarize yourself with some of the actions you
may be doing that can put you at risk for pancreatic cancer.
Knowing them can help reduce the chances of
being diagnosed with this deadly disease.

What Are The Possible Signs
And Symptoms Of Pancreatic Cancer?

Most people don’t have signs and symptoms of
pancreatic cancer and when they do they can often mimic
other diseases. For this reason, it’s important to become
familiar with the possible signs and symptoms.

How Can I Help Reduce
My Chances Of Getting Pancreatic Cancer?

15 percent of pancreatic cancer could be
eliminated by maintaining proper body weight
and diet with just moderate exercise.
Read what else may be helpful to do in the
fight against this deadly disease.

Go to the Prostate Cancer Detection Page