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ATTENTION: The government has disabled many
of the websites Self chec uses to cull its expert information.
Know that the information taken from their sites is
still valid and will help you keep healthy. 

Frequently Asked Questions

kids and adults exercising

Why Is Exercise Important?

Exercise helps ward off many
serious and common chronic health problems.
Click questions below for more answers.

How Can I Get Motivated To Exercise?

There is internal motivation and there is external motivation.
Only one will help you make time to exercise.

Is There A Plan I Can Use?

Yes, a good one. Check out this page.

How Much Exercise Do I Need To Do?

Findings are always changing, so it’s up to you to decide.
Even baby steps can lead to big benefits.

How Do I Begin?

Decide that “getting your move on” is something you
really want to do. Then take these steps to become empowered.

What Are The Best Exercises?

Here are 4 great choices. You just need to choose one to begin.

How Does Exercise Impact My Health?

Losing a modest amount of weight can lower the chance of being
diagnosed with a chronic disease, and you’ll have more stamina.

Am I Too Old To Start Exercising?

A British study says you’re never 
too old to improve your health at any age.

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