Keeping Your TESTICLES Healthy Landing
Keeping Your Testicles Healthy Landing
Why Is Testicular Cancer Early Detection So Important? 1
Testicular cancer is highly curable when caught early, and can kill you if left untreated. And we don’t want you dying of embarrassment.
Do I Have Any Risk Factors For Testicular Cancer? 2
There are some things that may increase your risk of testicular cancer.
Chec our “heads-up” list so you can see what they are…
What Age Do I Need To Do My Testicular Cancer Checs? 3
You’d be surprised how young a diagnosis of testicular cancer can be…
How Do I Do My Testicular Cancer Checs? 4
Watch someone like you do his testicular self-chec and learn how.
What Do I Look For When Checing For Testicular Cancer?5
Lumps, bumps the size of chestnuts or golf balls?
Find out which ones should be checed for testicular cancer.
How Can I Reduce My Chances Of Getting Testicular Cancer? 6
Our insanely human user guides will make it easier for you to take these life-saving actions and make healthy choices.
*Testicular cancer, (as opposed to penis cancer which is a cancer that usually occurs in older men and can be anywhere on or in the penis), occurs in the testicles (or testes).