6 Things You May Not Know About Your Ovaries
Edited from an article by by Lucia Peters for bustle.com This article brings up some interesting facts about you ovaries, but the bottom line for us is the part about checking with your healthcare professional if something doesn’t feel right to you. Now to: About Your Ovaries They can be affected by stress They are […]
Read moreDoes Talcum Powder Cause Ovarian Cancer?
The legal and scientific debate continues… The National Cancer Institute website points to the 2014 study that doesn’t find a link and suggests that “the weight of evidence does not support an association between talc exposure and an increased risk of ovarian cancer,” although it also includes talc in a list of factors […]
Read moreIs There A Tooth/Heart Health Connection?
From The Mayo Clinic. Thomas J. Salinas, D.D.S. Many studies have shown a connection between gum disease (periodontitis) and other serious conditions, including heart disease. Research suggests that periodontitis is associated with an increased risk of developing heart disease and that people with chronic gum disease have increased thickness of their neck blood vessels. There […]
Read moremedical community words
What the Medical Community is Saying About Self chec Dr. Paul Calabresi, Professor of Medicine and Chairman Emeritus of the Brown University Department of Medicine, First Chairman of the National Cancer Advisory Board under Presidents’ Nixon, Bush and Clinton and President of the Rhode Island Cancer Council, (among many other important contributions), who passed away in October, 2003 […]
Read moreWhy Self checis Different
Why Self chec is Different The story goes that in ancient China the citizens paid their doctors a pre-determined amount in yen, (their money), for each day they were well. Our yen is defined a little differently, but in the long run it means the same. We want you to keep yourself well enough to live a […]
Read morewhy self chec?
Why Self chec? Some hard facts Chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, are responsible for seven out of 10 deaths and 75 percent of the $2.2 trillion spent on health care in the United States each year. More than 130 million Americans today have a chronic disease, many of which could either […]
Read moreyour story
This page belongs to you. Do you have a prevention or self-check experience you’d like contribute to our on-going tapestry of personal stories, if so, please send it to us. Don’t forget to attach a photograph. Read on… [sharestory max=”6″ order=”ASC” /]
3 Fyi’s what to do if you find something
What to Do If You Find Something Suspicious. Call your health professional to chec asap. A quick response is the first line of defense we can utilize to keep healthy. Listen to your body. If something feels or looks different, err on the side of caution and call your health professional for a chec-up. Don’t panic. Remember that changes on […]
Read moreQuiz
[slickquiz id=1] The Results 5-7 correct answers: You’re taking many important steps to safeguard your health. Read through all the prevention sections to take good health to the next level. 3-4 correct answers: You’re off to a great start for safeguarding your health. Read through all the prevention sections to take good health to the […]
Read moreYour Disease Risk Calculator
Self chec Wants You to Know Your Possible Risk Factors for Getting Certain Cancers and Other Chronic Diseases Anything that increases a person’s chance of developing a disease like cancer or heart disease is called a risk factor. Some risk factors can be avoided like smoking or exposing your skin to strong sunlight. Others, such as […]
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